Dyslexia is a very common condition which need not be treated as a problem anymore and you would be accepting it too after reading this article. To start with, let me explain what dyslexia is. Dyslexia is the disability to understand and reproduce the spelling of words in the correct way. Some parents consider this an alarming threat to their child’s future as it would become a hurdle to the child’s educational progress. But studies have proved that dyslexic people are highly creative and intuitive. Believe it or not, some people consider it a gift because people having this condition excel in various other fields and there are many successful individuals who have proven it. But, if the parents want their child to excel in academics at any cost, there are a lot of institutions all over the world where the dyslexic children are taught in a variety of proven strategies and techniques to help the child understand words of the language without any confusion. Dyslexic people have the gift of mastery as they become highly skilful in their field of interest. Some of the famous personalities who suffered from this condition and yet achieved great heights are director Steven Spielberg, actor Tom Cruise, author Jane Elson, world heavyweight champion boxer Muhammad Ali and a lot more of them. Therefore, there is no point in worrying about having a dyslexic child as it is just a manageable condition of the brain. So, dyslexia is not a barrier at any point of time in one’s life and this has been proven by many determined people who attained and accomplished their dreams.