Humour provides an analogy to this creative process as the basic story line of a joke is logical and usually depicts an everyday situation. The audience recognizes the scenario and thinks they know how the story will progress. The punch line then destroys your preconceptions and you had then jumped from one store of information to another. Team members and managers should learn to override their natural thinking processes and the tendency to rely on the usual way of doing things. Identify how you would ordinarily deal with a difficult situation and then deliberately adopt a different approach to find a new solution. You will notice how changing your approach creates new opportunities.Creative thinking techniques are driven by imposing a condition on your thinking by simply encouraging the use of your imagination. Imagination is after all the heart of creativity and it should be used to disrupt your natural thinking patterns. Always create a vision inspired by creative ideas that you can work towards and use your logical mind to work out how you can make this goal a reality.